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Bring your life in to balance and harmony

Book a therapy session to rediscover yourself and find balance in your life.

Therapy Sessions Available

Soul Balance Therapy

Soul Balance Therapy helps you release the past, balance the present and free the future. A healing system based on deep energetic healing, the ancient wisdom of the meridians and a touch of magic.

Dragon Guided Reiki

Talk about who you are and what your brand is all about. You can use this text to share details about a product or announcements that you'd like your customers to see.

Usui Reiki

Reiki is energy channelled through your aura, to balance your mind, body and spirit. Powerful yet gentle healing therapy that can help on many levels.

Past Life Vow Removal

Coming soon

Chakra Healing

Coming Soon

Personalised Energy Work 1 to 1 or Small Group

These sessions are tailored to you! This can be 1 to 1 or up to 1 to 3. Click below to find out how to work with Ann.

Human Design Readings

Ready for your Human Design adventure? Take the next step and explore the unique experiment that is you!

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Coming Soon